Animals: Innovation in Animal Health
Antibiotic Stewardship
Promote a preventive approach to animal health with positive implications on human health

Promote responsible use of antibiotics through technical education, introducing antibiotic alternatives, and developing diagnostic and digital tools
Continued to collaborate with global stakeholders, including the International Consortium for Antibiotic Stewardship in Agriculture and the AMR (antimicrobial resistance) Cross-Industry Expert Working Group of the Business Council for the United Nations.
Conducted responsible use educational programs in Latin America and Southeast Asia.
Innovate around anti-microbial resistance to reduce the dependency on antibiotic classes shared with human health
Launched vaccines to protect against bacterial diseases in poultry and continued active research on alternatives to antibiotics.
Received U.S. approval for a vaccine to help prevent bovine respiratory disease caused by M. bovis.
To protect the health of animals and humans, we emphasize responsible use of antibiotics in animals and collaborate with global stakeholders to foster responsible use and veterinary involvement when antibiotics are used. To demonstrate this commitment, we:
- Removed growth promotion use of medically important antibiotics in feed in the U.S. in 2017 and in remaining markets in 2020
- Continue to conduct robust antimicrobial resistance surveillance, a program we started in 1993
- Contribute to research through industry stakeholder groups and with universities and governmental agencies
We continue to channel internal and external innovation toward developing products that could help reduce the need for antibiotics – including the recent U.S. approval of a vaccine to help prevent bovine respiratory disease caused by M. bovis – and we continue to explore alternatives to antibiotics and potential partnerships with companies with novel anti-infective approaches.
Through the International Consortium for Antibiotic Stewardship in Agriculture (ICASA), we are actively advancing research to understand disease drivers so that we can reduce the need to use antibiotics. The collective investment in research yields practical solutions, such as new technologies and management practices that promote responsible use of antibiotics, raise healthier more productive livestock and improve animal welfare.
We are also the only stand-alone animal health company to participate in the AMR Cross-Industry Expert Working Group of the Business Council for the United Nations. We collaborate with human health, agriculture, animal husbandry, veterinary services, the financial sector and other industries involved in anti-microbial stewardship and solutions to contribute input to United Nations leadership on AMR efforts in coordination with the World Health Organization, Food and Agricultural Organization and World Organization for Animal Health (OIE).
In August 2021, Zoetis participated in an AMR Stewardship Webinar conducted by the Indonesian Ministry of Agriculture. Our technical expert presented educational material related to responsible antibiotic use in treating chronic respiratory disease in poultry. The program was attended by approximately 600 senior officials, academics, and local livestock stakeholder community members including veterinarians and poultry producers. Zoetis continues to support organizations in Latin America, for example Alianca in Brazil, that provide educational content and training to veterinarians on responsible use of antibiotics.
As a member of the global trade association, HealthforAnimals, Zoetis is working with peers to achieve the organization’s Roadmap to Reducing the Need for Antibiotics, a strategy for addressing AMR and improving responsible use of antibiotics. The strategy includes 25 commitments for the sector to undertake by 2025, and as of 2021, some are well ahead of schedule, with:
- 49 out of 100 vaccines delivered (22 against bacterial diseases)
- 17 out of 20 diagnostic tests delivered
- 657,000 veterinary professionals indirectly trained
- $6.7 million allocated in veterinary scholarships, exceeding $5 million goal