Driven to Care: Our Journey Toward a Better World
2021 Sustainability progress update
In 2021, Zoetis launched Driven to Care, the company’s first sustainability initiative, to formalize our commitments aligned to three pillars – Communities, Animals and Planet. As we strive to be the most sustainable animal health company in the world, we are committed to building a healthier future for all.
Driven to Care builds on our purpose to nurture the world and humankind by advancing care for animals, and reflects our commitments to our colleagues, customers, animals and the planet we share. Our sustainability aspirations also provide a roadmap for how Zoetis can help make an impact and drive the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).

A message from our CEO
"In a world filled with uncertainty and conflict, our purpose guides and sustains us as we care for animals, people and the planet we share. We are on a journey to nurture our world and humankind by advancing care for animals. Along the way, our colleagues boldly embrace challenges and opportunities to champion a healthier, more sustainable future for all."
Kristin Peck
Chief Executive Officer at Zoetis

About Our Company
At Zoetis, we believe that healthier animals make a healthier world. That’s why we are committed to purpose-driven innovation that is focused on advancing care for animals. We are a global team dedicated to nurturing the world and humankind by advancing care for animals.
Championing a healthier, more sustainable future for all
2021 marked Zoetis’ best revenue growth performance as a business. We remain deeply committed to our purpose to nurture the world and humankind by advancing care for animals. In communities around the world, we stand by our customers – from livestock farmers to veterinarians and pet owners – who raise and care for animals. They are essential for our continued growth and innovation.
This year, we present our 2021 Sustainability Progress Update as part of a new biennial report approach to share the progress of our Driven to Care strategy. For those looking for a more detailed disclosure on our environmental, social and governance programs and practices, please see our 2020 Sustainability Report and 2020 ESG Appendix. We also transitioned our sustainability reporting into an interactive website experience in an effort to create a single destination for stakeholders to view our sustainability commitments and progress towards our Driven to Care aspirations.
While developing our sustainability programs and ESG disclosures, we considered the disclosure frameworks and guidance of leading sustainability organizations, such as the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board’s (SASB) Health Care – Biotechnology & Pharmaceuticals industry standards, the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. In 2021, we also completed the CDP climate change survey.
The discussion and data points in this report reflect the 2021 calendar year unless otherwise noted. Select case studies and programs feature information from 2022.